200th Immigration Anniversary

In October 1825, a 54-foot sloop called the Restauration sailed into New York Harbor. It arrived after a grueling 14-week journey from Stavanger, Norway. This small ship had set sail on July 4, 1825, jammed with 52 passengers.

Most Norwegians immigrated to America for economic opportunity, but these were religious dissenters. The Restauration’s arrival in New York was the first in a huge wave of Norwegian immigration. Within a century, more than 800,000 Norwegians followed these “Sloopers” to the United States. Of all European countries, only Ireland saw more of its population immigrate to America.

Whether you have Norwegian roots or an interest in Scandinavian traditions, we invite you to join Vesterheim’s special programs, exhibitions, and classes to share the history and traditions of Norwegian Americans.

200 Years of Norwegians in America Exhibit

December 6, 2024 - January 31, 2026

Even small objects can tell larger stories. To commemorate this bicentennial anniversary, Vesterheim presents a special exhibition focusing on Norwegian immigration, by featuring important objects, photographs, themes, and stories from 200 years of Norwegians in America.

Luther College students in Dr. Anna Peterson’s Scandinavian Immigration History course have chosen some of the objects for the exhibition, and each team has also created recordings to share the full story of the object and its place in Norwegian American history. Listen to their podcast recordings here.

Stories on the Blog

Opportunities to Commemorate

Upcoming Events

Join us for the exciting events planned in 2025! Commemorate the bicentennial through both in-person and online programming.

Folk Art Classes

Celebrate 200 years of culture and history by learning, or strengthening, a folk art skill. Bring history to life through traditional handcrafts.

Join Vesterheim

2025 is a great year to join the Vesterheim community and support its mission to create experiences inspired by Norwegian-American stories and folk art.

Crossings Bicentennial

1825 - 2025

Vesterheim joins Crossings, a group of Norwegian-American organizations, to commemorate this anniversary with programming inspired by the strong connections between the people of Norway and the United States.