

A special exhibition of contemporary folk art celebrating decorative detail

Important Dates:

March 1, 2020-March 31, 2023: Works must have been completed during this timeframe. 

April 1-30, 2023: Online or Mail-In Entry Forms accepted. 

April 30, 2023: Entry Form postmark deadline. 

May 21, 2023: Artists notified via email of status of their Entry Forms. 

June 1, 2023January 15, 2024: Required loan timeframe for accepted artworks. 

June 16, 2023: Accepted artworks due at Vesterheim.

July 6, 2023January 5, 2024: Embellishment on view dates. 

January 2024: Artworks returned to artists. 

Supported by:

The Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.


Lauryn Johnson, Collection Assistant, at ljohnson@vesterheim.org or 563-382-9681, ext. 221. 

This special folk art show focuses on the importance of detail in folk art. Whether detail means flowing painted motifs, embroidered designs, ornate beadwork, or intricate carving to you, embellished designs are the focal point of this show. Carrying forward the spirit and mission of Vesterheim Folk Art School, the exhibition will include woodworking, rosemaling, knifemaking, blacksmithing, jewelry, weaving, and fiber arts. Pieces in other mediums that visually celebrate traditional Norwegian embellishment are also welcome. 

The exhibit is open now – find more info here.

View information about the award winners here.

Check back for information about the next special juried exhibit in 2025!