Many studies have shown that people gain numerous health benefits from regularly spending time outdoors. Nature and spending time in it are such important parts of Norwegian culture that they have a word for it: friluftsliv.
Vesterheim Folk Art School is offering six classes in 2020 to help you get your friluftsliv on. While some classes will actually take place in the out-of-doors, others will happen inside, where students will make things to take on their outdoor adventures.
Registration for all 2020 classes opens on December 9, 2019. The Vesterheim website will be updated with the new class offerings on the same day. Find your way to get into nature with one (or more!) of the following classes:
Reclaim Your Christmas Tree with Rebecca Hanna
January 11-12, 2020
Birch Bark Field Pouch with Beth Homa Kraus
August 14-16, 2020
Introduction to Timber Framing with Dale Kittleson
September 8-12, 2020
Carved Portals Masterclass for Vesterheim’s Heritage Park with Jock Holmen
September 15-19, 2020
Handcrafted Canoe Paddle with Mike Schelmeske
October 2-3, 2020
Register for classes here.