Vesterheim Membership Program

There is no better way to connect to the Vesterheim community than through the membership program. With levels for individuals of all financial capacities, Vesterheim membership offers benefits that range from Folk Art School and Museum Store discounts to free museum admission (and discounts at almost 1,175 other national museums). Every member receives a free subscription to Vesterheim magazine.

Scroll down to join, renew, or give a gift membership now!

For membership questions, contact Beth Johnson, Donor & Member Services Manager 563-382-9681, ext. 126, or email

What kind of membership works for you?

Senior Discount – Members over 65 take $5 off a Basic or Household membership

International Residents – $80 Household membership outside the U.S.

Rosemaling Letter – $20 Three issues annually ($30 for International Residents)

Members at All Levels Receive:

Admission privileges at our partner organizations:
American Swedish Historical Museum Philadelphia, PA
American Swedish Institute Minneapolis, MN

Time Travelers Discount
Discounts at 300+ history museums and historic sites nationwide.

Benefit Details for Members at Various Levels:

North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association
Access to 1,000+ cultural institutions nationwide.

Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (ROAM)
1,000+ museums in North America and beyond who extend reciprocal free admission.

Group Educational Presentation
Curatorial staff or president will give a 30-minute presentation to your group or family. Contact the Membership Office to schedule.

Private Tour
Private behind-the-scenes tour with curatorial staff or president. Max. 12 guests. Contact the Membership Office to schedule.

Join, renew, or give a gift membership here!

Step 1 of 2

Rosemaling Newsletter

Are you interested in rosemaling? Vesterheim members have the opportunity to purchase the Rosemaling Letter, a full-color magazine sent three times each year. The publication includes articles by other rosemalers about the craft, information about Vesterheim events for folk artists, designs, and pictures of rosemaling pieces from Vesterheim collection and other rosemalers.

Tax information – All but $10 of Basic and Household Memberships are tax deductible. All but $50 of other Membership Categories are tax deductible. Rosemaling Letter is not tax deductible.