It was an amazing weekend at Vesterheim during Nordic Fest in Decorah! It was wonderful to see so many old and new friends while enjoying the beautiful weather. This year was extra special at Vesterheim with talented folk artists demonstrating their crafts, including two fantastic folk artists from Norway, and lots of fun performances. We were thrilled to hold the National Norwegian-American Folk Art Exhibition this year, give out awards, and name the new Vesterheim Gold Medalists! Congratulations to all!

Thank you to all of the volunteers, artists, and entertainers who contributed to the Fest! 

Thank you to all of our generous supporters!
Nordic Fest activities at Vesterheim are supported by Decorah Bank & Trust.

Additional support is made by:
• Viking State Bank & Trust for Skjaldborg Vikings.
• Jon and Mary Hart for Folk Art and Living Heritage Demonstrations
• Dawn Svenson Holland and Josh Holland, dedicated in memory of Gary and DiAnn Svenson, for music events.
• Dean Gipp and family in remembrance of Cyndi Gipp for representatives from the Norwegian American Genealogical Center and Naeseth Library.