Toppling Goliath Brewery in Decorah is including Vesterheim in a celebration of koselig – a concept deeply rooted in Norwegian culture that describes a feeling of coziness, warmth, contentment, and relaxed interaction.
Everyone is invited to experience the third annual Koselig at TG – a day of folk music, traditional Norwegian fare, and togetherness. Stop by for Erik Sessions’ live music from 11 am-1 pm; Nordic Dancers from 2:30-3:30 pm; storytelling with Sharon Rossman from 12-2 pm; and spinning and woodcarving demos throughout the day with Melissa Brow, Rebecca Hanna, Kim Glock, Lynn Susag, and David Susag. Savor authentic Nordic recipes and indulge in uniquely themed cocktails.
Round up at the register at Toppling Goliath during February and proceeds will support Vesterheim! Come on out for a cozy day of koselig celebration while supporting Vesterheim. We’re so excited to see you there!