Vesterheim is honored to invite you to attend a Friends Luncheon and Program on Sunday, February 18, 2018, 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel La Crosse, 200 Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, Wisconsin. (Free parking is available in the lot west of the hotel.)
The program will be Rocks and Hard Places: Emigration through the Lens of Knud Knudsen by Zach Row-Heyveld, Vesterheim’s Exhibition Manager.
Why do some people leave their homes in search of a better life? Explore the way a new exhibit at Vesterheim uses Knud Knudsen’s stunning black and white photography to wrestle with that question. Learn about some of the economic, social, and environmental factors that led to above-average rates of emigration from Knudsen’s hometown, the village of Tokheim on the Sørfjord.
We encourage you to wear your bunader or Norwegian sweater. Please bring a “portable artifact” or photograph from your family history to share at your table.
Everyone is welcome! Tickets are $30 for museum members and $35 for non-members. Reservations are required by February 9, 2018, and can be made by contacting Vesterheim’s Development Events Coordinator Karla Brown at 563-382-9681, x107, or
The luncheon will include Maple-Glazed Smoked Pork Loin with a Grain Mustard Pork Jus, Buttery Yukon Mashed Potatoes, and Caramelized Cauliflower with Fresh-Cut Herbs, OR Vegetarian Cheese Ravioli with Forest Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Asparagus and Fresh-Cut Herbs served with Chef’s Choice Vegetable. Both options come with a starter salad, freshly baked rolls, coffee or tea, and Norwegian Sweet Treats for dessert.