This large trunk was brought to Master Blacksmith Tom Latané by rosemaler Sallie DeReus to have the hinges repaired and the missing lock replaced.
Follow along with this photo essay as Tom illustrates how he fixed the piece.
Click on each image for a closer view and to read descriptions of the process.
Thank you, Tom, for sharing this info through these fantastic images and instruction!
Find out more about Tom Latané here
Tom starts out with this information:
There are three things that happen to these trunks that lead to damage needing repair. One is that a trunk is set upon the damp ground in a barn when no longer in use and the bottom rots and lower ironwork rusts away. Another is that the key is lost or left inside when the lid is closed and secured by a spring-loaded lock so the chest is damaged by forced opening. Another sort of damage happens when the chest is not against a wall, as is the usual case, and the lid falls back bending and maybe tearing the hinges and sometimes the wood with its weight. I believe this chest had the lock removed because the key was lost and the hinges were bent and torn by the lid falling back. The wood was in excellent shape.