Herbjørn Gausta Day Trip – 2

To close out the Vesterheim exhibit, Herbjørn Gausta, 1854-1924, join Vesterheim on a fascinating historical day trip to explore Gausta’s life and art in the actual places he lived, studied,...

Concert by Northern Resonance and Tall Poppy String Band

[vc_custom_heading text="Location: Vesterheim Commons Free, no reservations required" font_container="tag:h3|text_align:left" use_theme_fonts="yes" el_class="small-heading teal"]Join us in Decorah to welcome these exciting bands to Vesterheim Commons! You won't want to miss this concert....

Presentation by Steinar Bryn

Join Luther College and Vesterheim to welcome Dr. Steinar Bryn as he speaks about peace negotiations on a global scale. Dr. Bryn is recognized as one of the most experienced...

FamilieTid: Nordic Songs Through the Years

Have the whole family come together and learn some Norwegian songs. Singer, Norwegian language instructor, and youth educator, Eddy Galstad will lead the family in learning songs from "way back...

Bokprat: Unto A Good Land by Vilhelm Moberg

Dr. Maren Johnson, Luther College’s Associate Professor of Nordic Studies and Torgerson Center for Nordic Studies Director, facilitates a regular bokprat, discussing Scandinavian authors and Scandinavian life. The May bokprat features Vilhelm Moberg's...

In Trunks, Hands, and Hearts Presentation

As part of the Westby Syttende Mai celebration, Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilberton will explore the immigrant experience through stories associated with artifacts in Vesterheim’s collection. Between 1825 and 1980,...