“All tradition is change,” as Barbro Klein writes about Scandinavian folk art. Vesterheim classes in Design and Inspiration invite students into this conversation about how the treasury from folk art’s past can influence, shape, and even catalyze artistic expressions in the present. Classes in this category feature guided, in-depth encounters with curated selections from the Vesterheim collection and encourage students to express something new and authentically individual.
Vesterheim Folk Art School
Find a Class
Design and Inspiration
View a lists of classes offered over the last year here:
September-December 2021
January-March 2022
April-June 2022
July-September 2022
For More Information on Vesterheim's Folk Art Courses:
Onsite Programs:
folkartschool@vesterheim.org, 563-382-9681
Online Programs:
Andrew Ellingsen, Online Program Coordinator, 563-382-9681, aellingsen@vesterheim.org