Past/Present/Future of Folk Art

Past/Present/Future of Folk Art

A special exhibition of contemporary folk art

Important Dates:

March 1, 2021 – April 30, 2025: Works must have been completed during this timeframe. 

Now through April 30, 2025: Submit form and photos of completed artworks.

April 30, 2025: Entry Form postmark deadline. 

May 23, 2025: Artists notified via email of status of their Entry Forms. 

June 16, 2025January 31, 2026: Required loan timeframe for accepted artworks. 

June 16, 2025: Accepted artworks due at Vesterheim.

July 11, 2025 – January 11, 2026: Exhibit on view. 

January 2026: Artworks returned to artists. 


Lauryn Johnson, Collection Assistant, at or 563-382-9681, ext. 221. 

This specially themed folk art show celebrates the past, the present, and the future of Norwegian folk art in the United States and abroad. Honor folk art masters of the past, draw inspiration from contemporary culture bearers, explore what folk art might become in the future, or play with some combination of past, present, and future all in one piece! 

Support for this exhibit is provided by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Iowa Arts Council, which exists within the Iowa Economic Development Authority.