Past/Present/Future of Folk Art

Past/Present/Future of Folk Art

A special exhibition of contemporary folk art

Important Dates:

March 1, 2021 – April 30, 2025: Works must have been completed during this timeframe. 

April 1-30, 2025: Submit form and photos of completed artworks.

April 30, 2025: Entry Form postmark deadline. 

May 23, 2025: Artists notified via email of status of their Entry Forms. 

June 16, 2025January 31, 2026: Required loan timeframe for accepted artworks. 

June 16, 2025: Accepted artworks due at Vesterheim.

July 11, 2025 – January 11, 2026: Exhibit on view. 

January 2026: Artworks returned to artists. 


Lauryn Johnson, Collection Assistant, at or 563-382-9681, ext. 221. 

This special themed folk art show celebrates the past, the present, and the future of Norwegian folk art in the United States and abroad. Honor folk art masters of the past, draw inspiration from contemporary culture bearers, explore what folk art might become in the future, or play with some combination of past, present, and future all in one piece! 


Artists are invited to submit up to four pieces:

  • a maximum of two created as an individual artist, and
  • an additional two pieces created through active collaboration between two or more artists. 

Eligibility Guidelines

Works must have been completed between March 1, 2021 – April 30, 2025. Works created by both domestic and international artists are welcome. 

Artworks should: 

  • Follow historical Norwegian folk art traditions in technique, materials, colors, and style, OR be contemporary departures from the historical, but some element/s must visually link the artwork to Norwegian folk art tradition.  
  • Be connected to genres represented in Vesterheim Folk Art School class listings (woodworking, rosemaling, knifemaking, blacksmithing, jewelry, weaving, embroidery, quilting, and fiber arts), or created in other mediums that celebrate traditional Norwegian folk art. 
  • Highlight the artist’s unique and personal technical skills and design decisions. 
  • Be attributed appropriately if created collaboratively. (Please see Collaboration below.) 


The collaboration between artists must be active, meaning both artists agree that they are creating a piece together. For example, painting a vessel already created by another artist is not considered a collaboration. 

Per individual, only two art submissions can be made. Only one artist should complete the Entry Form for a collaborative artwork. 

Not Eligible: 

  • Not showing the clear theme. 
  • Not connected to artwork in the Norwegian folk art tradition or genres taught through Vesterheim Folk Art School. 
  • Work partially or entirely created under supervision in a class or created by an instructor to teach a class. 
  • Work previously shown at past Vesterheim themed folk art shows or the National Norwegian-American Folk Art Exhibition.

Selection Process

Vesterheim wishes to feature creative work that demonstrates artistic and technical excellence, is visually connected to Norwegian folk art traditions, and celebrates decorative detail. This exhibition seeks to include the mediums that are eligible for the National Norwegian-American Folk Art Exhibit, as well as mediums that are not currently eligible.  

The selection committee (or jury) will consist of four community members who have connections to Norwegian folk art. 

  • The committee will screen anonymous submissions (photos, artist statement, artist bio) that meet the exhibit criteria and will make the preliminary selection of work for the exhibition.  
  • Entries will be evaluated on concept, design, technique, craftsmanship, creative expression, and artist’s description of piece.  
  • The folk art in this exhibition will be selected by a committee. Artists will not receive comments and will not earn points toward Vesterheim’s Gold Medal program. 
  • Artworks accepted and shown in the exhibit will not be eligible as entries in future shows of the National Norwegian-American Folk Art Exhibition and other themed folk art shows at Vesterheim.

*Accepted work is subject to final evaluation once it has arrived. Work that differs significantly from the photos submitted may be ineligible for the exhibition and will be returned to the artist. 

Entry Procedure:

You may enter online or by mail between April 1 and April 30, 2025. All submissions must be received by April 30. The entry process will be shared in January 2025.

Contact Lauryn Johnson at 563-382-9681, ext. 221, or with any questions.


Juror’s Choice, Best in Show (selected by the jury), and People’s Choice (selected by popular vote by visitors to the exhibition).


Artists who wish to sell their work must provide a sale price on the Entry Form. Sales will be available in the gallery and on the Museum Store website. Details will be shared in January 2025.