FamilieTid: Nordic Songs Through the Years

Have the whole family come together and learn some Norwegian songs. Singer, Norwegian language instructor, and youth educator, Eddy Galstad will lead the family in learning songs from "way back...

Bokprat: Unto A Good Land by Vilhelm Moberg

Dr. Maren Johnson, Luther College’s Associate Professor of Nordic Studies and Torgerson Center for Nordic Studies Director, facilitates a regular bokprat, discussing Scandinavian authors and Scandinavian life. The May bokprat features Vilhelm Moberg's...

In Trunks, Hands, and Hearts Presentation

As part of the Westby Syttende Mai celebration, Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilberton will explore the immigrant experience through stories associated with artifacts in Vesterheim’s collection. Between 1825 and 1980,...

Scandinavian Modern Design in Norway

Join Sons of Norway - Des Moines, Iowa, Marsteinen Lodge 1-596 for this online presentation with Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilbertson! Norway’s contributions to the Scandinavian Modern Design movement were...

Weaving Bewitchment: Gerhard Munthe’s Folk-Tale Tapestries

Join Marsteinen Sons of Norway Lodge in Des Moines, Iowa, and Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilbertson for this slide presentation that profiles Norwegian artist (landscape painter, muralist, book illustrator) Gerhard...

Seven Summers Exhibit Closes

This exhibition features plein aire paintings from Bøverdalen in the northern part of Gudbrandsdal, Norway, by artist Arna Rennan and closes May 27, 2024. Be sure to visit before it ends!...