The Norwegian Mayflower: The Voyage of the Restauration

Join Sons of Norway Norsota Lodge and former Vesterheim Trustee Dale Goodman! The meeting will be held in-person at Ascension Lutheran Church, 2210 Grand Avenue in Marion, Iowa. Visitors wishing to attend should email lodge member Chris Elwell at to RSVP. In the period beginning in 1825 and for about 100 years following, nearly...

Bokprat: Unto A Good Land by Vilhelm Moberg

Dr. Maren Johnson, Luther College’s Associate Professor of Nordic Studies and Torgerson Center for Nordic Studies Director, facilitates a regular bokprat, discussing Scandinavian authors and Scandinavian life. The May bokprat features Vilhelm Moberg's novel Unto a Good Land, the second in his Emigrant Novels series. Considered one of Sweden's greatest 20th-century writers, Vilhelm Moberg created the characters Karl Oskar and Kristina Nilsson...

Norwegian Folk Costumes: A Living Tradition Presentation

As part of the Westby Syttende Mai celebration, Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilbertson will explore Norway’s tradition of colorful folk costumes is as old as the Middle Ages, and as young as the 1940s. Learn about the history of costumes from Hardanger, Telemark, Hallingdal, and many other regions of Norway. The forces of politics, fashion,...

In Trunks, Hands, and Hearts Presentation

As part of the Westby Syttende Mai celebration, Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilberton will explore the immigrant experience through stories associated with artifacts in Vesterheim’s collection. Between 1825 and 1980, nearly one million Norwegians left for new lives in America. We’ll consider the reasons for leaving, what they brought, and where they settled. The program...

Scandinavian Modern Design in Norway

Join Sons of Norway - Des Moines, Iowa, Marsteinen Lodge 1-596 for this online presentation with Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilbertson! Norway’s contributions to the Scandinavian Modern Design movement were many, but the artists and products were not as well known as their Danish, Swedish, and Finnish counterparts. During the presentation, Laurann will introduce some...

Weaving Bewitchment: Gerhard Munthe’s Folk-Tale Tapestries

Join Marsteinen Sons of Norway Lodge in Des Moines, Iowa, and Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilbertson for this slide presentation that profiles Norwegian artist (landscape painter, muralist, book illustrator) Gerhard Munthe and his rocky road to tapestry design. Munthe was active at the time Norway was gaining independence from Sweden and his work was seen...

Experimental Archaeology: Recreating Grave #519 in Sweden Webinar

In this webinar, Steph Anderson will talk us through what goes into the study and recreation of Birka grave Bj 619. The goal of this project was to look at the archaeological notes from 1877 when it was first discovered, and textile analysis from 1974, then to create an interpretation of the grave. This would...

Seven Summers Exhibit Closes

This exhibition features plein aire paintings from Bøverdalen in the northern part of Gudbrandsdal, Norway, by artist Arna Rennan and closes May 27, 2024. Be sure to visit before it ends! In addition to being a visual delight and endless challenge to the painter, this area tells the story of husmenn (cotters), folklore, and emigration. The paintings feature...

The Extraordinary Aprons of Evelina Grimes 

Everyone is invited to join Vesterheim Chief Curator Laurann Gilbertson in Blair, Wisconsin, for this fascinating presentation! Presented in part by the Blair Preston Public Library, Aprons are usually utilitarian accessories, but a large number of aprons, now at Vesterheim, were made by one woman for the reasons of self expression and public entertainment. Evelina...

National Norwegian-American Folk Art Exhibition Opens

The National Norwegian-American Folk Art Exhibition opens June 8, 2024 and is a collection of amazing work entered by fantastic contemporary artists from all over the country. It is a great way to find out what’s happening today in the world of Norwegian-inspired folk art. The exhibit, which happens every other year, celebrates the past,...